Please be aware that all city offices, including the Library will be closed on Friday November 11, 2016 in honor of Veteran’s Day.


Residential garbage, recycling, and green waste will be collected on a regular schedule; the landfill will be open to the public.  Questions about the Landfill or waste collection can be directed to 435-716-9755

[tweetthis]#VETERANS DAY #HOLIDAY SCHEDULE[/tweetthis]
Zip Sac by Athlonic Sports inventor of the Wheeler Dealer Soft Toss machine

The Logan Community Recreation Center will be open for regular operating hours.


The Logan River Golf Course will be open from first light to 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, weather permitting.  Questions regarding the Logan River Golf Course can be directed to 435-750-0123.


For general information about holiday closures, please call 716-9000 or the new 311 service.

Sky Optics Media drone video