The Ogden Nature Center is located at 966 W. 12th Street in Ogden, Utah. More details can be found online at www.ogdennaturecenter.org Photos are available upon request.
Nests, Nooks & Storybooks
Every Tuesday from 3:45pm – 4:15pm
Free for members and free with regular daily admission rates of $5 adults, $4 seniors, $3 kids (2-11)
All ages
Grab a blanket and join us out in the field, along a pond, or under the trees for story time at the Ogden Nature Center! Every Tuesday afternoon, come read a book with us outside. We’ll dive deeper into the themes of the story by exploring the Ogden Nature Center. Please check in at the Visitor Center. No reservations needed, just drop in.
Wild Wednesday: The Wild Truth – An April Fool’s Day Program
Wednesday, April 4th from 3:45pm – 4:15pm
Free for members and free with regular daily admission rates of $5 adults, $4 seniors, $3 kids (2-11)
All ages
Nature can weave some pretty tall tales, but that doesn’t mean they’re not true. Come out to the Ogden Nature Center and test your nature knowledge with a true or false game, then explore some of the most unbelievable animals and plants on the planet. Please meet in the Visitor Center.
Night Owl Cinema
Friday, April 6th from 6:00pm – 8:30pm
$8 members / $10 nonmembers, 3 and under are free
All ages
Come meet our brand new Burrowing Owl, Jack! Enjoy a live bird demonstration from our expert naturalists, then grab some fresh popcorn, cuddle up on your blankets, and settle in for a screening of “Hoot,” a family-friendly movie about a group of teenagers working to save a parliament of threatened burrowing owls. (Yes, a group of owls is called a parliament!) Movie is rated PG, popcorn provided. Pre-registration required by calling 801-621-7595.
Earth Day Poster Contest – Call for Entries
For children in grades K-6
Entries must be received by 4:00pm, Saturday, April 7th, 2018
Late entries may not be judged
No fee to enter
Entries must be on 9”x12” paper using the theme, “The Life of the Monarch Butterfly.”
Only paper will be accepted.
Please do not glue anything on to your project
Entries must include the following information on the back
Name (first and last)
Grade (k-6 only)
Home Phone
Project Title
Art posters will be on display in Ogden Nature Center’s L.S. Peery Education Center April 21 through May 19, 2018. Entries will not be returned, but may be picked up May 21 through May 25. After May 25 contest entries become the property of the Ogden Nature Center. Prizes will be awarded to three winners in each grade, with one grand prize winner per grade. The winners will be invited to an awards program on Earth Day, April 21, at 11 am. Special thanks to Ogden City Arts, The Standard Examiner and Elliot-Hall Company for generously sponsoring this event.
Transform Trash to Treasure
Saturday, April 7th from 10:00am – 12noon
$5 Members / $8 Non-members
All ages welcome. Children 10 and younger must have participating adult.
Wondering what to do with your old, smelly socks? Wash them of course, then give them a second chance at the Ogden Nature Center where you’ll experiment with upcycling. Say goodbye to your old socks and hello to ‘new’ gloves, coffee cup cozies, or workout sleeves that you’ll find useful in your own home, office, or place of leisure. Along with your socks, please bring an old t-shirt and an empty tin can that you are happy to transform into something of value. After this program, you’ll never look at your trash in the same way. ONC will have extra materials on hand, if needed. Please call and RSVP to 801-621-7595 by April 5.
Spring Planting Spectacular
Who: Volunteers
What: The Ogden Nature Center’s Spring Planting Day
When: Saturday, April 7, 2018 from 10 am – 1 pm
Where: Ogden Nature Center, 966 W. 12th St., Ogden UT
How: Please RSVP to Mikenzie Hart at mhart@ogdennaturecenter.org
The Ogden Nature Center is seeking volunteers to help plant native trees and shrubs. We will be planting chokecherry, elderberry, mountain mahogany, golden currant, and serviceberry in an effort to combat invasive species and provide habitat for wildlife. This is a great project for families and groups. All ages welcome! If you are interested in lending a hand, please contact Mikenzie at mhart@ogdennaturecenter.org or by calling 801-621-7595. Trees and shrubs to plant are limited, RSVP is required. Come help enhance and protect the beautiful wildlife habitat and environment at the Ogden Nature Center! Pleases bring your own work gloves and water bottle, and if you prefer to use your own favorite shovel, bring that too! Be prepared to get dirty!
Wild Wednesday: Antics
Wednesday, April 11th from 3:45pm – 4:15pm
Free for members and free with regular daily admission rates of $5 adults, $4 seniors, $3 kids (2-11)
All ages
Have you ever wondered what the world looks like to an ant? Using a microscope you’ll get the chance to find out. With the help of one our teacher naturalists, you’ll have a close encounter with the natural kind. Please meet in the Visitor Center.
Nature Without Limits, for Juniors – Growing Up Wild
Saturday, April 14th 2018, 9am – 10:30am
$10 per child, accompanying adult free. General admission rates apply to all other attending family members.
All abilities are welcome!
Ages: 2-6
Come explore different life cycles of familiar animals – birds, amphibians and butterflies! This is a hands-on, sensory friendly, nature discovery program specially designed for young children with special needs and their families. Pre-registration is required. Families are invited to complete a short questionnaire to share your child’s learning styles & needs. For more information about this program, or to receive a downloadable social story to read ahead of time, please e-mail Jessica at jhutchins@ogdennaturecenter.org
Nature Without Limits – Lively Life Cycles
Saturday, April 14th, 11:00am – 12:30pm
$10 per child, accompanying adult free. General admission rates apply to all other attending family members.
All abilities welcome!
Ages: 6-12
Join us for a hands-on, sensory friendly, nature discovery program all about life cycles – specially designed for school aged children. We’ll examine bird nests, hunt for caterpillars, and investigate amphibian metamorphosis. Pre-registration is required. Families are invited to complete a short questionnaire to share your child’s learning styles & needs. For more information about this program, or to receive a downloadable social story to read ahead of time, please e-mail Jessica at jhutchins@ogdennaturecenter.org
Seed Saving Workshop
Saturday, April 14th, 10:00am – 1:00pm
Free for members and free with regular daily admission rates of $5 adults, $4 seniors, $3 kids (2-11)
All ages welcome
Locally produced seeds yield hardier, more delicious crops. This is how our ancestors farmed sustainably for over 10,000 years and it’s the only way to recreate such a system today. Join the Ogden Seed Exchange to learn how to select, pollinate, harvest, clean and save seeds produced in your own garden. No RSVP necessary. Please check in at the Visitor Center.
Wild Wednesday: Earth Day Extravaganza!
Wednesday, April 18th from 3:45pm – 4:15pm
Free for members and free with regular daily admission rates of $5 adults, $4 seniors, $3 kids (2-11)
All ages
Join us as we explore cool facts about planet earth. How much do you know about our watery planet? Learn ways to do your part and help the planet. Then join us for a nature walk and trash pick-up around the Nature Center. Please meet in the Visitor Center.
Earth Day Celebration at Ogden Nature Center
(Release with full details coming soon!)
Saturday, April 21st from 11:00am – 4:00 pm
$4 per person ages 3 and up
All ages
Come celebrate Earth Day at the Ogden Nature Center! One of our largest events of the year, come enjoy earth friendly exhibitors, demonstrations, food, nature crafts, live entertainment and fun activities. Explore the trails, tour our green buildings and learn what you can do to improve the health of the planet.
Wild Wednesday: Alien Invasion!
Wednesday, April 25th from 3:45pm – 4:15pm
Free for members and free with regular daily admission rates of $5 adults, $4 seniors, $3 kids (2-11)
All ages
Join an ONC teacher/naturalist as we discover what species of plants and animals don’t belong on the property and how they got here. Bring your work clothes and a pair of gloves to help us get rid of some of our alien invaders. This program will highlight some scout requirements. Please meet in the Visitor Center.
Preschool Discovery Days: – Skin, Scales and Reptile Tails
Choose a date and time:
Thursday, April 26th or Friday, April 27th
9:30am, 11:00am, or 1:00pm
$5 members / $6 non-members
Ages: 3-5
Discover the slimy and scaly critters that call the Ogden Nature Center home as we investigate reptiles and amphibians up close. Meet a Desert Tortoise, play lizard games and make a reptile craft to take home.
The Ogden Nature Center’s preschool programs are designed for children 3-5 years old. Preschool admission price is $5 for members and $6 for non-members; this includes 1 child and 1 adult. Preschool groups of 5 or more children are $5 per child/adult pair; teachers/aides are free with participating class. General admission fees will apply to any additional family members in attendance. A non-refundable deposit of 50% must be paid in advance to pre-register groups of 5 children or more. Pre-registration is required. Classes may be cancelled due to low attendance.
ONC Bioblitz! City Nature Challenge
Saturday, April 28th, 9:00am – 4:00pm, drop in any time
Cost: Free admission with participation in Bioblitz.
All ages welcome!
Want to help our naturalists learn more about the biodiversity right here at ONC? And also compete against other counties in Utah and win fun prizes?? A bioblitz is an opportunity for community members, scientists, and nature nerds alike to conduct a biological survey in the outdoors with the goal of identifying as many organisms as possible in a set amount of time. No experience or science background required – we’ll show you what to do! Come join us to learn how to use iNaturalist (download the app ahead of time), then spend the rest of the weekend making nature observations in your own backyards and neighborhoods. Visit https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/city-nature-challenge-2018-the-wasatch-front for more info.