Ogden Film Festival

The Ogden Film Festival is back with more short films and a special feature-length movie to share with you, our wonderful audience.

After an award-winning first year (SL Weekly "Best of Utah" award) and an audience of 500+ people at the screening, we are sure that this year will sell out.

There will be prizes, giveaways, live audience voting, filmmaker Q&A’s and more! At your… request, this year we have also added an "After Dark" screening for more mature audiences to enjoy.

Visit the website for more details about the schedule, film lineup and filmmakers.

All Ages Feature Film:
‘Up to Snuff’ by Mark Maxey

All Ages Short Screening:

‘Forgiving Pipeline’ by Tay Steele
‘Tomorrow’s Shores’ by Arthur Veenema
‘To Close A Monastery’ by RadioWest
‘Brothers’ by Randy Kerr
‘StarWars: Dresca’ by Jessica Champneys
‘Maggie’ by Lindsay Kampenhout

After Dark (18+) Screening:

‘Stone Cold’ by Stefania Barr
‘Last Lament’ by Condor McEvoy
‘Innocence’ by Michael Cicchetti & Miranda Jean Larson
‘The Dark Skin of the Soul’ by Allan J. Arcal
‘Enter the Fringe’ by Nathan Riddle
‘Peace and Quiet’ by Anthony Birtzu
‘The Wolf’ by Shane Morrisun
‘Killer Karma’ by Carson McKinnon

Peery’s Egyptian Theater will be serving concessions and alcohol during the event.

Additional Info…

Sky Optics Media drone video