Celebrate True Blue Aggie Fridays at USU
Utah State University students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends are encouraged to participate in “True Blue Aggie Fridays” to celebrate and promote the spirit that makes college traditions great by proudly wearing or displaying the official colors and insignia of the university.
USU President Noelle E. Cockett signed a presidential decree designating every Friday as “True Blue Aggie Friday” to promote school and community pride at the institution. The inaugural event begins Friday, Aug. 31 and runs throughout the entire academic year.
“Aggie pride runs deep,” said Cockett. “And I am so thrilled to embrace True Blue Aggie Fridays as a visible sign of our incredible and loyal school spirit. I hope you will join me as part of our Aggie family.”
The newly begun tradition gives students, faculty and staff a visible way to show their affinity and support for all aspects of the institution by wearing “Aggie Blue” and “Fighting White” and by decorating their living or office space in Aggie swag.
“Having a chance to show your spirit for everything USU has to offer, whether its academics, research or athletics, gives us a reminder that we are all in this together,” said Heidi Adams, USU’s director of Trademarks and Licensing. “Let’s show the campus and community how proud we are to be affiliated with Utah State University.”
Social media posts featuring Aggie gear and using the hashtag #truebluefriday will be given the chance to win prizes and to be featured on USU social media. For details, visit www.usu.edu/trueblue.
More information on True Blue Aggie Fridays may be found at www.usu.edu/trueblue.
USU begins its 2018 fall semester Monday, August 27. The Aggie football team kicks off its 2018 season against Michigan State in East Lansing, Michigan Friday, Aug. 31.
Contact: Heidi Adams, Heidi.adams@usu.edu, 435-797-1351