Logan City Light & Power recently completed a study of electricity rates to make sure our costs and revenues are aligned over the next few years. We do not anticipate increasing overall costs to residential customers, but we are reviewing possible changes to our solar net metering policy, i.e. how extra solar energy generated from rooftop PV is credited to a solar rate customer’s account.
Logan City Light & Power is holding a workshop for our solar customers and interested residents to hear about the changes, learn why they are occurring, how they impact solar, and provide feedback that will inform a future City Council meeting and decision. We look forward to this discussion.
Solar Energy Workshop
Monday, January 14, 2019
5:30-7:30 pm
City Hall Conference Room – 290 N 100 W in Logan
Please note, this workshop is focused on possible changes to electricity rates that will impact current and future solar customers, NOT solar energy basics and whether solar is a good investment for your home or business.