Dr. Mike Findley- Launderers Anonymous: Two Field Experiments on Regulatory Compliance in the Finance Industry
Dr. Mike Findley is an author, political scientist and professor at The University of Texas at Austin. He has conducted academic and policy research on civil wars, terrorism, international relations, and development using field experiments, statistical and computational models, and some interviews. He has carried out fieldwork in Uganda, South Africa, and Malawi, among other countries. His publications appear in Cambridge University Press, International Organization, American Journal of Political Science, World Development, Journal of Politics, Public Choice, Complexity, among others.
Dr. Findley works extensively with international development organizations. In particular, his work geocoding foreign aid has been adopted by World Bank, USAID, African Development Bank, International Aid Transparency Initiative, and many aid recipient countries. His specialties include: Statistical Analysis, Computational Modeling, Field Experiments, Writing, Geomapping, and Crowdsourcing. Join Dr. Findley on February 8th as he discusses two global randomized field experiments designed to test the efficacy of international and domestic financial regulations.