Cache Valley Mountain Man Rendezvous Will Be Held May 28, 29, 31 in Wellsville

Wellsville, UTAH— Cache Valley’s Mountain Man Rendezvous will be held Memorial Day weekend at the American West Heritage Center.

Take a step back in time to browse and purchase trade goods that would have been available when the Mountain Men were in Cache Valley.

Learn what it takes to throw a tomahawk and experience the thrill when your throw sinks into the wooden log with a satisfying thunk.

Become a Mountain Man with a skill demonstration. Come and listen to instructions and demonstrations on primitive skills, such as flint and steel fire starting, flint napping, scrimshaw, bullet making, fur identification, leather working, history of the mountain man and more!

Competitions will also be available to the public and visiting Mountain Men in primitive clothing.

Admission is $7 per person (under age 3 is free). Advanced ticket purchase is encouraged at

The last ticket is sold each day at 4:00 p.m. American West Heritage Center is located at 4025 S. Hwy. 89 in Wellsville. For more information, call 435-245-6050 or visit

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