Reminder For Bonneville Shoreline Trail Users
Logan Parks and Recreation Department, 195 South 100 West, would like to remind trail users on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail from Logan Canyon to Green Canyon:
Please do not trespass private property to exit or access the trail. Respect private property and obey posted signage. Stay on the designated trail. Footpaths from or to private property from City trails are not part of the City trails network. Access and exit City trails only at designated City-owned trailheads and rights-of-way.
To view the Logan City trails network, see the Logan City Trail Map and Guide under Parks and Trails at
[tweetthis]Reminder For #BonnevilleShorelineTrail Users[/tweetthis]
For more information concerning this or other Logan Parks and Recreation Department programs or facilities contact us at (435) 716-9250 or stop by 195 South 100 West, Logan or visit us at