Logan Aquatic Center Passes on Sale Now

Logan Parks and Recreation Department staff have been working on the Logan Aquatic Center getting it ready for the summer season. Beat the rush and purchase your season pass or 10 punch pass early.

OPEN SWIM PASS FEES (10) Punch Pass 3 Month Pass *Platinum
Individual $40 $120 $250
(age 4+)
Active Adult $25 $80 $150
Family NA $275 $425
(4 immediate family members)

Aquatic Fitness/Lap Swim $20.75 $75 NA
Active Adult $15 $55 NA
(Lap Swim/Water Aerobics)

Passes can be purchased at the Logan Community Recreation Center, 195 South 100 West.

For more information concerning this or other Logan Parks and Recreation Department programs or facilities contact us at (435) 716-9250 or stop by 195 South 100 West, Logan or visit us at pr.loganutah.org.

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