Cache Valley Information

Cache Valley's Information Source

21 January, 2019 08:11

Earth is an incredible place, full of animals, plants, and other natural wonders that force us to reflect on our role in this world. Join us for a series of presentations from local nature-lovers and experts as we explore our world and what we can do to keep it healthy for generations to come.

The speaker series will be held in the L.S. Peery Education Building at the Ogden Nature Center, 966 W. 12th Street in Ogden, at 6:00 pm on the given dates.

Members of the Ogden Nature Center enjoy free admission, otherwise $3 for children and $6 for adults.

Pre-registration required by calling 801-621-7595.

Mon, Feb 4th – Cavity Nesters in a Changing Climate
Speaker: Nikki Wayment, HawkWatch International
Every winter several owl species search for cavities in trees to nest and raise their young. However, we have very little understanding about these cavities and how many owls species, such as the Flammulated Owl, use them. Join us as we discuss current research Hawkwatch is doing on these cavity-nesting species and how humans have impacted their lives.

Mon, Mar 4th – 5 Things Everyone Should Know About Global Warming
Speaker: Jenn Bodine & Dan Bedford. Weber St. University
Global warming is a frequently misunderstood and politicized topic, but there are 5 basic things that everyone should know. This talk brings attendees up-to-speed on the latest climate science. Solutions that are being deployed right here in our own backyard to solve this wicked problem will also be addressed.

Mon, March 18th – The Story of a Place Under Battery and A Salt …Cap
Speaker: Friends of the Great Salt Lake
The EPA relies on local organizations to study and inform them on local environmental issues. FRIENDS of Great Salt Lake has been awarded a grant to study a still active facility that harvests brine from the lake to produce magnesium and other chemicals. In this presentation we will discuss the results of that research and how it will impact our lives.

Mon, Mar 25th – The Politics of Public Lands
Speaker: Save our Canyons
As the political climate driving public lands decisions in Utah continues to erode conservation efforts, join Save Our Canyons for a discussion on the congressional legislation that will protect our water, land, and quality of life for Utah’s most iconic mountain range.

Mon, Apr 1st – Connecting People With Nature Through Art
Speaker: Susan Snyder, local artist
Join artist and former Ogden Nature Center naturalist Susan Snyder for a fun evening about art and nature. Susan will entertain participants with the tale of her journey to becoming a full-time artist and naturalist, and then lead the group through a fun project.

Mon, Apr 15th – The Buzz on Bees
Speaker: Sara Dant, Weber State University
From making honey to pollinating most of our favorite fruits and veggies, honeybees play a pivotal role both locally and in the global economy. Unfortunately, several factors have led to more and more honeybee colonies collapsing. In this talk we will discuss the importance of bees and what we can do to help this essential insect.

Mon, Apr 29th – Taking Action for the Environment
Speaker: HEAL Utah
From clean air and energy to radioactive waste, Utah has its fair share of environmental concerns. Join local advocate group HEAL Utah for an interactive evening on the state’s latest environmental threats and how they impact our health—including the science behind these issues—and what you can do about them.

Mon, May 13th – Form in Nature
Speaker: Alex Frank, Ogden Nature Center
Why do zebras have stripes, and leopards spots? Why are the cells in beehives hexagons? Why are 99.9% of all animals symmetrical? Every shape, style, and color in nature has a purpose. Join us as we discuss various forms found throughout the natural world, and how these forms have shaped our own world as well.