Cache Valley Information

Cache Valley's Information Source


The Ogden Nature Center is located at 966 W. 12th Street in Ogden, Utah.
More details can be found online at <> .

Photos are available upon request.

Nests, Nooks & Storybooks
Every Tuesday from 3:45pm – 4:15pm
Free for members / Free with admission: $5 adults, $4 seniors, $3 kids (2-11)
All ages
Grab a blanket and join us out in the field, alongside a pond, or under the trees for story time at the Ogden Nature Center! Every Tuesday afternoon, come read a book with us outside. We’ll dive deeper into the themes of the story by exploring the Ogden Nature Center. Please check in at the Visitor Center. No reservations needed, just drop in.


Wild Wednesdays: Owl Tales
Wednesday, February 6th from 3:45pm – 4:15pm
Free for members / Free with admission: $5 adults, $4 senior, $3 kids (2-11)
All ages
Are owls really wise? Get the answer to that question and many more as we meet two different Ogden Nature Center owls and decode the mysteries that surround these amazing birds. Please meet in the Visitor Center.

Wild Wednesdays: Wild Romance: A Special Valentine’s Day Program
Wednesday, February 13th from 3:45pm – 4:15pm
Free for members / Free with admission: $5 adults, $4 senior, $3 kids (2-11)
All ages
Have you ever wondered if animals flirt with one another? Come find out during our special Valentine’s Day program. Meet some of the Ogden Nature Center’s resident birds and reptiles and discover the unique ways these animals attract a partner. Then help us make nature-themed Valentines for the birds. Please meet in the Visitor Center.

Wild Wednesdays: Beavers: the Brilliant Builders
Wednesday, February 20th from 3:45pm – 4:15pm
Free for members / Free with admission: $5 adults, $4 senior, $3 kids (2-11)
All ages
No other wild animal changes their environment more than the beaver. From dams to canals and lodges, beaver create habitat to suits their needs. Join us on a hike and learn about beaver adaptations and explore examples of their construction skills. Please meet in the Visitor Center.

Wild Wednesdays: Crazy and Curious Corvids
Wednesday, February 27th from 3:45pm – 4:15pm
Free for members / Free with admission: $5 adults, $4 senior, $3 kids (2-11)
All ages
Join an Ogden Nature Center teacher/naturalist for a Wild Wednesday program focused on some of the smartest groups of birds in the world—corvids! Meet the Ogden Nature Center’s most curious and playful raven, Cronk. Please meet in the Visitor Center.

(full press release to come with more dates)

Earth is an incredible place, full of animals, plants, and other natural wonders that force us to reflect on our role in this world. Join us for a series of presentations from local nature-lovers and experts as we explore our world and what we can do to keep it healthy for generations to come. Light refreshments provided; Pre-registration required by calling 801-621-7595.

Speaker Series: Cavity-Nesters in a Changing Climate
Monday, February 4th from 6 – 7:30 pm
$3 for members / $6 adults, $4 seniors, $3 kids (2-11)
All ages
Speaker: Nikki Wayment, HawkWatch International
Every winter several owl species search for cavities in trees to nest and raise their young. However, we have very little understanding about these cavities and how many owl species, such as the Flammulated Owl, use them. Join us as we discuss current research Hawkwatch is doing on these cavity-nesting species and how humans have impacted their lives.

The Nature Center is ever-changing with the seasons! Join us one Saturday each month to explore a relevant topic.

All Bundled Up!
Saturday, February 16th
10-11:30 am Ages: 5-9
12:30 – 2 pm Ages: 10-16
Members: $2 children / free for adults
Nonmembers: $5 children / $5 adults
Ever wish you could fall asleep and wake up when spring started? Some animals have mastered this art, and we will learn about different ways animals survive the harshest weather by playing games, building shelters, and enjoying a cup of hot cocoa.


Motionless Marvels
Choose a date and time:
Tuesday February 19th or Wednesday, February 20th
9:30 am, 11 am, or 1 pm
$5 for members, $6 for non-members
Ages: 3-5
From towering trees to tiny pebbles, some of nature’s most important wonders never move at all. Join us as we explore the motionless world of rocks, plants, and even animals and learn just how important they are.

Preschool Programs are designed for young children ages 3-5. Admission price includes 1 child and 1 adult; additional family members pay general admission. Groups/classes of 5 or more children are $5 per child/adult pair; teachers/aides are free with a qualifying school group. Pre-registration required—a non-refundable deposit of 50% is required for groups of 5 or more. Classes may be cancelled due to low attendance.

Owl Prowl
Thursday, February 21st from 6 – 7:30 pm
$3 for members/ $6 adults, $4 seniors, $3 kids (2-11)
All ages
Whooo is one of the strongest and most intimidating raptors in the wild? The owl, of course! Join us as we discuss what makes our nocturnal friends so special, get up close to one of the Ogden Nature Center’s owl ambassadors, and go on a hike in search of nesting owls. Pre-registration required. Please call 801-621-7595